Upcoming Events

Join us for these Upcoming Events at Return Church!

We are collecting for those in need!!!

We have a new ministry called: BLESSINGS IN A BAG. 

We are asking for donations to make bags. These bags will be taken to Portland, the Clothes Closet, and we will have some at church for those that need one.

Please bring any donations to church or pick something from the Amazon wishlist, the QR code above will take you directly to the site.


We are hoping to collect enough items to make our first 150 bags.

There will be a box for donations where is visible in the lobby near the secretary's office.

People can purchase donations anywhere, they don’t just have to be from Amazon.

Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

Join us for the first Women's Soup Soirée and see who will win the 'Golden Ladle'

On Friday, October 25th at 6:30 the ladies will be having a Soup Soirée and Fellowship – Featuring our Clothes Closet. We will be voting on the best soup for the “Golden Ladle” prize. We also need people to bring breads, crackers and desserts.

Learn through scripture how God is our ultimate Provider!

Throughout history, People have wrestled with the concept of trusting God to meet their needs vs relying on their own efforts, other people, money, or other things society has to offer. They see man as the solution to their economy, not God. Rebecca Manecke, will be showing the film God Provides (TM) Film Learning Experience.

This will take place in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 27, 5:00-6:00 PM.

If you are interested, please register below.

Back once again, Bennie Hudson's Bible Study

Bennie Hudson will be hosting a Ladies Fellowship in her home the first Friday of each month. The first one will be on Friday, November 1st. We will be starting at 10:00 AM and going to 2:00 PM. For more information, please contact Bennie or Julie Lau at the church office at 812-725-8381 .

Next Men's Breakfast will be on November 2nd

This is a time for the men of Return to get together for food, fellowship, and some discipleship. We will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall.

Please register using the above QR code or the button below, so that we know how much food to make.

Annual Thanksgiving Meal after service, Sunday, November 17.

.The cost is $12.00 for adults, $8.00 for children 2-12, and you can make a contribution for those who are unable to pay. You may click the “register here" button below to register yourself and your family. The deadline is November 12, as we need to get numbers to our caterers.