We are collecting for those in need!!!
We have a new ministry called: BLESSINGS IN A BAG.
We are asking for donations to make bags. These bags will be taken to Portland, the Clothes Closet, and we will have some at church for those that need one.
Please bring any donations to church or pick something from the Amazon wishlist, the QR code above will take you directly to the site.
We are hoping to collect enough items to make our first 150 bags.
There will be a box for donations where is visible in the lobby near the secretary's office.
People can purchase donations anywhere, they don’t just have to be from Amazon.
Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

"For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." Galatians 3:27
Those who are saved and ready to take the next step in their journey with the Lord, we call to the baptismal pool. We will be baptizing during the service on Sunday, March 23. If you are ready to take this step, please sign up in the lobby or contact the church secretary. Please come to church that day by 10:30 AM to attend a short class about baptism with Pastor Mike. Please bring a change of clothes. We look forward to seeing you and celebrating with you.

Guest Speaker, Sam Stapp
On Thursday, March 20, Sam Stapp from Grace Tabernacle in Laconia, IN will be speaking at Live Recovery Journey. Come and hear his wonderful testimony and support our brothers and sisters in recovery. The meeting starts at 6:30 PM.

First ever Kids Journey Fun Night
Our first KJ fun night will be March 28th, 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Please bring a friend. We will serve food!
Don't forget to sign up! Sheets in the lobby and in Kids Journey. Parents, you can go on a date, do some shopping, get some chores done!

April 4th, 6:00 PM
Come join the Return Church women for fun, food, and fellowship. This quarter we are having a "bring a friend" meeting. You could win a prize. Bring a dish to share with all. We will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall.We look forward to seeing you there!

Men's Breakfast
The next Men's Breakfast is Saturday, April 5th in the Fellowship Hall starting at 9:00 AM. It is a time of fellowship, food, fun, and furthering your knowledge and your walk with Christ and each other.
Please register below so the men know how much food to make.

We are having VBS July 10 and 11
Join us on Thursday, July 10 and Friday 11, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM as we kick up our heels and learn the truth that God is Good! Round up your friends and discover that Jesus is God's Greatest Gift!!! There will be fun, food, and of course learning all about Jesus. We will wrap it all up on Sunday, July 13 at 11:00 with a final celebration. Parents are encouraged to join us!!! We look forward to a trailblazing weekend of fun. Please register below.